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With Support That Makes a Difference

Working from Home
Online Course
Mountain Cliff Hiker

Sex Addiction & Intimacy Anorexia Recovery Coaching (AASAT, SRC, IAC)

Get the Tools You Need with Certified Sexual Recovery and  Intimacy Anorexia Coaching.


Get the Most out of your relationship with Certified Partner Recovery Certified Coaching.

Life/Recovery Coaching

Guidance & Inspiration

with Certified Professional Recovery Coaching.

“Shawn has been crucial to my Journey toward Sexual Sobriety, Emotional Health, and Relational Healing. As a man with SA and IA addictions, Shawn's input and guidance have been the foothold I needed to begin to stand firm. His experiences and abilities to see through my addictive behaviors/patterns, and calling me out when needed, has been invaluable. In a community that too often coddles and "tickles the ear", Shawn has provided clear and concise perspectives that help me identify and own my addictive patterns, which not only holds me accountable, but has also given me the opportunity to provide much-needed safety to my wife. His help is, at times, challenging, but thus far, proving to be healthy and rewarding. I cannot recommend Shawn enough to those seeking to be built-up and called out of the Darkness."

Jonathan A

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